Seductive Cumshot Following Gorgeous Blowjob


“Cumshot” is the best way to describe a man who ejaculates with an orgasm (orgasm is when you feel an involuntary contraction in the walls of your vagina). The word cum means “to ejaculate” in Latin and the meaning is not restricted to women alone, although it does tend to be more used by women in lovemaking. “Cumshot” refers to a man ejaculating and that is what the word is used for. It is the male equivalent of the word “orgasm”. “Cumshot” can refer to either male or female men, women, couples or even groups. There are several different versions of this word with different meanings that one should not rely on it as it can mean so many different things in so many different ways.

Ejaculation: This refers to the involuntary contractions and then expulsion of the penis. The ejaculate is usually described by a light, milky color that will last for minutes and then will dissolve into a lubricating liquid. Cum is the product of the seminal fluid that is left behind when ejaculation occurs. It is usually described as a milky white or grayish in color. It is a fluid that cannot be seen or smelled, but after sexual intercourse, the penis may show some sign of semen. The ejaculation can also cause premature ejaculation, which can cause damage to the nerves of the penis and this can lead to damage to the testicles. If a person ejaculates too soon in the session, he or she may be at risk for impotence.

Ejaculation – Hardcore: The term “cum shot” has been used to describe an orgasm in a hardcore relationship. The term cumshot is also used to describe sexual situations in which the ejaculation is intense. The term is commonly used in porn movies. In hardcore pornography, the term is used to describe an orgasm in which a man ejaculates with a strong ejaculation. The ejaculation can last from several seconds to over 20 minutes.

Date: September 15, 2020